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HMC656-Die - 典型设计图:
AD产品 - HMC656-Die介绍
HMC656-Die - Fixed, 10 dB Passive Attenuator Chip, DC - 50 GHz

HMC656-Die是AD公司的一款固定衰减器产品,HMC656-Die是Fixed, 10 dB Passive Attenuator Chip, DC - 50 GHz,本站介绍了HMC656-Die的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与HMC656-Die相关的AD元器件型号供参考。

HMC656-Die - Fixed, 10 dB Passive Attenuator Chip, DC - 50 GHz - 固定衰减器 - 射频和微波 - Analog Devices, LLC


The HMC650 / 651 / 652 / 653 / 654 / 655 / 656 / 657 / 658 are a line of wideband fixed value 50 Ohm matched attenuator chips which offer relative attenuation levels of 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 15 and 20 dB. These passive thoughlines and attenuators are ideal for microstrip, hybrid, and multi-chip module applications where extremely flat attenuation, and excellent VSWR vs. frequency are required.

These wideband attenuators feature low inductance on-chip vias, and require no additional ground connections. The HMC650 through HMC658 are backside metallized with gold, and are suitable for eutectic or epoxy die attach. Each of the 9 products can be purchased individually by their respective part number or in a set of 10 each in the HMC-DK006 Fixed Attenuator Chip Designer’s Kit.


  • Fiber Optics
  • Microwave Radio
  • Military & Space Hybrids
  • Test & Measurement
  • Scientific Instruments
  • RF / Microwave Circuit Prototyping

  • 优势和特点
  • Wide Bandwidth: DC - 50 GHz
  • 9 Attenuator Products: 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 15, & 20 dB Fixed Levels
  • Power Handling: +25 dBm
  • HMC651 & HMC658 Die Size: 0.57 x 0.45 x 0.1 mm
  • HMC650, HMC652, HMC653, HMC654,HMC655, HMC656 & HMC657 Die Size: 0.42 x 0.45 x 0.1 mm
  • HMC656-Die典型设计图一
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